February 28, 2005

Time to Say Goodbye

This is my last entry using MovableType. You should automatically be redirected to the Wordpress site - http://marcusvorwaller.com/blog/. If not, you can also update your feeds to http://www.marcusvorwaller.com/blog/wp-rss2.php.


Posted by Marcus at 09:48 PM | Comments (0)

February 24, 2005

Click Both to Find

In OS X if you have a two button mouse (and you should) if you click both mouse buttons at the same time it will bring up a Find dialog in many applications, including the Finder, Firefox (though I recommend enabling Find as you Type), Safari, ecto, TextMate and many others . I found this a couple months ago and it's a great little time saver.

Posted by Marcus at 12:13 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

February 23, 2005

Free Taxes through H&R Block

This offer is too good not to share. If you use the link from the IRS website, you can file your taxes for free through H&R Block. If you're not an H&R Block fan, don't worry, the same link leads to about a dozen other places you can file for free.

Posted by Marcus at 04:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 07, 2005

193 Big Reasons and 5 Small Reasons Why Google is Better than MSN Search

Google VS MSNThis comparison has nothing to do with search results, but with the design of the site. The test was done in Firefox 1.0 on OS X, but the results are similar in any browser. Click to enlarge the image.

  1. There are 193 pixels of ads and extraneous information before you get to what you're looking for (search results) on MSN Search. MSN forces you to spend extra time either scrolling or filtering out garbage in an effort to display ads above search results. What Microsoft fails to see is that while they're trying increase the chances of you clicking an ad to pay their bills, putting the ads where they get in the way of your goal only drives your business away from the site altogether, reducing the chances of you clicking the ads down to zero. Granted, Google sometimes places ads above search results as well, but their ads take up much less space and they don't show up on every single search result.
  2. The way Google separates the URL line from the results is much better than what MSN does. Google has a normal line break, then 21 pixels from one entry to the next. MSN has 12 pixels after the description then another 17 pixels after the URL line. This makes it significantly more difficult to quickly separate results. While MSN has a total of 29 pixels between results (5 pixels more than Google) , the whitespace on MSN is much more jagged and search results seem to jumble together at a quick glance.
Posted by Marcus at 04:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack