Is this really the “Leading Java Resource?” There are no less than 13 ads above the fold, 15 company logos, a giant popup and to top it all off, a video that starts automatically. I can’t see a single line of actual content without either closing the gigantic ad or scrolling down. Amazing! Absolutely amazing.
3 replies on “Speaking of Design…”
Yeah, I noticed that the other day too. I ran away before I could find any useful content on the site.
Hi there,
Couldn’t quite figure out how else to get in touch. A picture you took in APril 2005 came up on a Google image search I did on images of spring. Your photo is really beautiful and I was hoping to use it in my quarterly church magazine which I’m currently doing layout work for. Would you have a problem with that? I wanted to check first.
Thanks and regards from Singapore,
Time to use AddBlock with FF…